About us
Our team’s mission is to share what’s good and focuses on providing clean and sustainable products that enhance life. We firmly believe that we are better together; this is why we trade directly with farmers who extend their profits to field workers. Sustainability is in our DNA, and we strive to adopt green practices in our operations.
People fuel our motivation to build a better future where companies reduce their footprint on the planet.
We live to share what’s good and would love it if you share it too.

Why coffee?
As a filmmaker, Gabriel was obsessed with capturing something positive about his home country: Panama, which is famous for the Panama Canal, the boxing world champion Roberto Duran, offshore accounts, and its natural beauty, but none of it was new, until he set his eyes on coffee, but not just any coffee, the silently world acclaimed Panamanian specialty coffee, it was in that moment he decided to spend the next two years investigating, meeting farmers and field workers to capture the very essence of some of the world’s finest and most exclusive cup.
At the time he had no intentions of being in the business of coffee but as time passed it was inevitable, the force was magnetic and drew Gabriel a.k.a the sweetest dude, to dive deeply into the world of complex aromas, mystical lands, and the incredible stories of generations of coffee farmers who reached the pinnacle of the coffee world with hard work and wit.
Shortly after completing the film “Elegidos por el Café” (chosen by coffee) it was just a matter of time for him to create a coffee brand that would honor and share every value that of Panama’s farmers which he also shared as his core values.
Sweetest Dude coffee and allied products are always good, fresh, sustainable, traded directly, and are carefully chosen to provide each and every customer an unparalleled experience where product is king and every consumer is important.